Welcome to my blog!

I write about coaching, mentorship, people stories, nation-building, and the occasional personal reflections.

50 stories from 50 exceptional humans in this Tuesdays@Starbucks blog series

50 stories from 50 exceptional humans in this Tuesdays@Starbucks blog series

Tony’s blogs

  • Tuesdays at Starbucks

    I make it a point to meet new people at Starbucks and strike up a conversation with them. Occasionally, they open up and accept that I write their story.

  • Coaching

    Opinion pieces on taking personal or professional adventures. The chronicles of the journeys as I work with exceptional individuals.

  • Personal

    Your occasional personal stories and reflections shedding light on how I’m experiencing and seeing the world. More often than not, I learn a thing or two that I share with you.
